Journal Prompts to Heal Your Relationship to Food & Body


Improving your relationship to food and body begins when you are clear on what your ideal outcome looks like. Every 30 days, use the monthly journal prompts to paint the ideal vision for your health. Then, answer the daily journal prompts each morning to help you take targeted action day after day to transform into the healthiest, most confident version of YOU!

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Improving your relationship to food and body begins when you are clear on what your ideal outcome looks like. Every 30 days, use the monthly journal prompts to paint the ideal vision for your health. Then, answer the daily journal prompts each morning to help you take targeted action day after day to transform into the healthiest, most confident version of YOU!

Improving your relationship to food and body begins when you are clear on what your ideal outcome looks like. Every 30 days, use the monthly journal prompts to paint the ideal vision for your health. Then, answer the daily journal prompts each morning to help you take targeted action day after day to transform into the healthiest, most confident version of YOU!